P1040159, originally uploaded by leyaevelyn.
We’ve had so much rain just since Wednesday, my boats are sinking! It’s stopped now but I can’t get to the boats to bail them out because the dock is going under too. I’ll have to wait a couple of days and hope the water goes down enough. I’m not eager to wade through the muck. Not yet.
I took Lila for a walk along the road this afternoon and by the time we had stopped to chat with various neighbors, it was two hours later. Everyone I spoke with commented on what an amazing place this is to live, how peaceful, and so close to Halifax.
But the humidity for the last few days has been unbearable. This morning I couldn’t decide which was worse in my studio, the humidity or the fumes. Even with a mask on, I gave up on the fumes, turned off the dehumidifier and opened the windows. It’s cooling off now, clearing up. Summer may be ending after all.