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Updated: Aug 13, 2021

As a confirmed grammar nerd, I subscribe to the Merriam-Webster word of the day.To my surprise, the word pink came up as a noun and verb. It is not just a color. As a verb, it means

to perforate in an ornamental pattern. I would have thought I might have known this. Besides loving grammar, I also have loved to sew since I was very young. A favorite present to me once was pinking shears, of course. They automatically cut a saw-toothed edge. This was before zig-zag on machines to finish edges and long before sergers.

Another definition the dictionary gave was to wound by irony, criticism, or ridicule. As the illustrious dictionary states: “The verb pink referring to perforation and piercing is from a Middle English word meaning "to thrust." It dates to the early 16th century whereas the noun referring to the color pink and its related adjective date to the 17th and 18th centuries, respectively.” Historically the verb pink preceded the color by a century. You could pink someone in the 16th century, and in the 17th pink them for wearing pink.

So now, I ask you, why do people still see pink as sweet!?! It obviously has an edge!



Do you hold up your pinky when drinking your tea?👚

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