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Next, again and again and again


Actually, I do not agree with Michelangelo when he said: “No great work of art is ever finished.” I titled my exhibit at the Orange Gallery “Next, Again”. Originally I planned to call it just “Next” because that’s what I do, look for what is next when I work. But recently it was pointed out to me that I had already named some paintings “Next”. So I added “Again”. Because that is how I work: what’s next, again and again and again.

It may seem at times as if I could go on working a painting forever, but at some point there is nothing more I feel I need to do to a particular piece. No matter how long I’ve been working on it: a few weeks or months or years (really, sometime it take years!). It feels good in my gut, in the center of my body. That’s where I know it is finished.

Time to move on to what’s next.


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