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Looking out from under the piano

Cleveland Point Beach, originally uploaded by leyaevelyn.

Someone recently asked me to say one odd thing about myself. I couldn’t think of anything. I think I am very ordinary. I wake up in the morning, take the dog for a walk, eat my meals, work in my studio, talk to friends, go to bed at night, and such. So I just said I hate housework. Of course, most people hate housework. But it is on my mind right now because I am doing so much of it lately. I don’t know why. Suddenly I decided to take all the “stuff” out from under my piano and out from closets and drawers and cabinets and organize it. As a result my living room has been one big mess for about a week.

It’s been an interesting process. Under my piano I had been storing boxes and boxes of photographs. I have culled them down a bit, thrown away duplicates, put some in albums and still have more to go through and need to find homes for them. I can now see the floor under the piano. My computer supply cabinet is finally orderly and I can now close the door on it. All good and necessary tasks accomplished.

The big job has been my slides. Enormous piles of slides were hanging out in one of my kitchen cabinets. I really wanted to use the space for dishes and slides are no longer viable in the art world it seems. So every day I’ve been going through the piles, tossing duplicates and trying to put at least one good slide into a book so I will have a decent record of what I have done over the years. It’s been educational at the very least. Besides getting a stuffy nose from the dust I have stirred up, I’ve seen work progress and I’ve seen possibilities I have neglected. I’ve seen how I can run an idea into the ground from overuse. I’ve seen when it works best. I also seen thousands of dollars worth of slides tossed into the garbage bin. It’s been interesting. I’ll be glad when it’s all done.

But then, housework is never done.


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