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It’s a long story

Where have I been, what have I been doing, where am I going: first, the opening reception at the Secord Gallery Friday night was great. Lots of people, good responses and sales. The best comment came from my friend, Dahlia:  “fearless”. It’s taken years to get there/here and still more to learn, especially where the arts are concerned.

Nevertheless, it’s been an interesting couple of months preparing for this exhibit. The siding on my house needed to be replaced. All of it. Every time there was a hard rain with wind, it was like someone had taken a litre of water and poured it on the window sills. So for the past six weeks, there has been pounding on the outside walls, books and plants falling off the shelves on the inside, and me painting in my studio.

Honestly, it is so much nicer now with it quiet here. But I am about to go to Denmark (Wednesday afternoon) for an exhibit there at artnorth. I am booked on KLM through Amsterdam so I wrote some friends there and will be staying a few days with them. Not bad.

Meanwhile, when I get back, I will be having an exhibit July 3 at the Jo Beale Gallery in Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia. I think I almost have the work done for that. I hope so because there is not much time left!

So it’s been busy here and I am looking forward to the long plane ride and a rest. But I will miss the daily painting, I think, maybe.


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