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Fall on the trail

Autumn on the trail, originally uploaded by leyaevelyn.

A little more rain and there won’t be any leaves left on the trees. The colors have been beautiful this year, but for far too short a time.  After such a small summer, it strangely feels good to have the weather be more normal. Shorter days and cooler nights.

Because this drives me indoors more, it feels like a time of renewal despite the coming of winter. Time now to start some new paintings. I’ve been working over older work until, at this point, I’m almost ready to destroy a few of them. Yet I’ve saved some by just not trying to make them better but rather changing them so dramatically, you would never know how they started. Dark paintings become light, colors change completely and become totally rejuvenated.

But it really is time to start some new work and I’m preparing fresh canvases.

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