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Change in progress

9.5′ x 10.5′, originally uploaded by leyaevelyn.

This is a photo of the second 9.5′ x 10.5′ painting. It’s still a work in progress, so this only gives a hint of what is going through my mind/hands. Even I don’t know how it will end up. I just know the painting process is different, again.

You can see just how far up I can reach. The top part is not resolved; I need to have the painting flipped upside down to work on the top. Even the ladder I use isn’t tall enough. Then sometimes, turning it, gives me new ideas about how to work with the painting.

My work took on a big change a little over a year ago. I keep wondering, why again, why now. But I can’t stop it. And don’t want to. Aaron commented that I seem to have gone from making “statements” to being more lyrical, telling a story. I think he is right, but it still is a bit confusing for me.

The story is not finished yet. Not at all.

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