The opening reception at the Jo Beale Gallery last Sunday was very good. Usually I don’t like my work to be hung salon style, one on top of another and too close, but here it looked perfect. I can’t imagine how she could have done it otherwise. The ceiling of the Old Red Schoolhouse is very high and there are windows along the walls. The exhibit felt like it was meant to be there. And the weather was perfect, sunny with a cool breeze coming off the ocean.
On the other hand, after a very busy week preparing to leave, i am now in New York visiting Tamar, Dan and Damian. I turned my house, car and dog over to Sean and took a flight here yesterday. Walking into the house seemed like I had only been away for a short while. Very natural. I’ll be here for about a week. Tamar, a finalist again (last year she was a winner in her category), is going to a writers’ conference in Atlanta, Georgia and I will be spending my days with Damian. He’s fifteen now and fully recovered from his bout with Hodgkin’s last summer. He now has a head of thick, black curls. It had been straight before. I’m getting used to it.
We have some fun things planned for when mom is away. I’ll get acclimated to the heat, I suppose. And I will try not to think about how much cooler it is in Nova Scotia . . .